
Digital Banking Partner

Digital & Technology Services Partner

Knowledge Partner

Global Technology Partner

Innovation Research Partner

Silver Sponsors

Bronze Sponsor

Web3 Partner

Assoicate Sponsor

Affiliate Partner

Supporting Sponsors

Technovation Partners

Media Partners

Supporting Media

For sponsorship and advertising enquiries, please contact:

Ms Angela Tai
Tel: (852) 3166 3757


*In the process of solicitation and acceptance of event sponsorship, HKCMCL abides by the guiding principles of impartiality, integrity, fairness, transparency and accountability as stipulated in our Corporate Sponsorship Policy. In particular, sponsors will not be given any preferential treatment for HKCMCL's on-going or impending procurement exercises. Also, sponsorships shall not compromise or be perceived to compromise HKCMCL's political neutrality. The acceptance of the sponsorship by HKCMCL must not create an actual or perceived conflict of interest, or commit, implicitly or explicitly, HKCMCL to an obligation of any kind to the sponsors. Sponsorship arrangement must not compromise the HKCMCL's reputation and public image.